Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Caitlyn's Final Drama Class

Caitlyn was enrolled in a Mary Poppins fundamentals class. They learned to dance, sing, stage set up and she had a good time. The last night was tonight and all the parents/grandparents/siblings got to see what they learned. We had to eat dinner really early tonight. I made some homemade bread and we had Manicotti too. It was really yummy.

We go there a little early so we played outside for awhile.

We still needed to burn up some more time and Evan played on my Kindle and Jeremy decided a nap sounded very good.

The teacher explained to us about what the kids learned and how proud she was of them.

 The all lined up and got ready for the show to start.

This is the song Chimney sweep song above

below: Caitlyn had to say a line: "The perfect nanny's charitable". Each child had a line to explain about the perfect nanny.

This was there thinking pose. All the kids got to have a pose and then they sang part of a song together.

Caitlyn got a special rose. It is pink. Of Course

Grandma Joy, Grandpa John, Grandma Karen, Papa Bill, mommy, daddy and Evan all came to see her show. I hope she does it again. She will be such a great actress one day.

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