Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Evan's first "real" movie at the theatre

Evan is calling this visit to the movies his first. 04/21/12. He did go when he was just a baby but that doesn't count since he does not remember it. We went to see the LORAX. It was a cute movie. Evan got a giant slurpee and sat on mommys lap the entire movie and thru the previews. Some of the previews were kinda creepy. Grandma Karen came with us too. Jeremy, Grandpa Bill and Caitlyn went to the Three Stooges. Caitlyn was not that impressed on the movie but it was a little old for her I think. Jeremy and Grandpa liked it. We did have to take some popcorn home after the movie though. The popcorn sat on the table for a little while then I picked up the popcorn tub and there was oil all over my table it soaked right thru. Just don't ask for extra butter or you will be swimming in it. (sorry no pic)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Caitlyn's Final Drama Class

Caitlyn was enrolled in a Mary Poppins fundamentals class. They learned to dance, sing, stage set up and she had a good time. The last night was tonight and all the parents/grandparents/siblings got to see what they learned. We had to eat dinner really early tonight. I made some homemade bread and we had Manicotti too. It was really yummy.

We go there a little early so we played outside for awhile.

We still needed to burn up some more time and Evan played on my Kindle and Jeremy decided a nap sounded very good.

The teacher explained to us about what the kids learned and how proud she was of them.

 The all lined up and got ready for the show to start.

This is the song Chimney sweep song above

below: Caitlyn had to say a line: "The perfect nanny's charitable". Each child had a line to explain about the perfect nanny.

This was there thinking pose. All the kids got to have a pose and then they sang part of a song together.

Caitlyn got a special rose. It is pink. Of Course

Grandma Joy, Grandpa John, Grandma Karen, Papa Bill, mommy, daddy and Evan all came to see her show. I hope she does it again. She will be such a great actress one day.

Taco/Burrito night

I love it when I actually get to make and eat dinner with my family. Those days are so far and few between. It is really sad that we have come to that. After playing outside almost all weekend. Having a taco/burrito dinner was just yummy.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Slumber Party

The beginning of the slumber party was dinner. PIZZA. I thought I was going to be trampled when I called them down. I think they could have eaten a whole pizza each. But they did not.

The junk food to go with it.

Watching a movie. This is just one they watched even more in the evening. They were up until at least 1pm. I was asleep way before then.

Donuts for breakfast then more movie watching.

Victoria played Legos with Evan. Evan really loved it.

Outside to play. Scooters and chalk

Oh yes bubbles too.

Then off to Red Robin for lunch. Red Robin Yum!

The sun was out so of course we had to use the pool cover to make a slip and slide. We got the sprinkler out and the girls had fun slidding through it. Victoria said it was too cold but her sister got the best of her. And took her down.

painting with chalk and water in the driveway.

Snack in the van with cousin Catherine.

Evan was cleaning off the driveway. He did a great job.

Thanks to the Mobley girls for such a great time. Thanks to Catherine too for visiting.

Easter 2012

This year we had a great time. We got our Easter baskets from the Easter bunny then an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. We went to Aunt Nicki's for lots of fun. Then dinner at Grandma Joys and Grandpa Johns.

Easter egg hunting.

Yummy candy and goodies in the baskets.

Getting ready for the hunt at Nicki's. The little ones went first then the olders got to go. Nicki has such a beautiful backyard for all the fun adventures we have.

Finding money in the hay. The kids usually come home with a few dollars.

Aunt Dawn brought silly string. It was all over the porch, yard and just about everyone.

Easter Bunny smiles

Off to Grandma Joys and Grandpa Johns for our Easter get together there.

Having adventures in the yard. We played baseball and climbed on the logs.

We also found a very tiny tree frog.