Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Advent time is not a safe time!

We are doing a study on Advent. And we had our 4 candles lit for the occasion. We were at Karen's house ( my mom). We were singing JOY TO THE WORLD and apparently my plate got too close to the candles and then there was fire and lots of it.

The table cloth was not so lucky. It does only  have a few burn marks in it. (Those are our lyrics to Joy to the World)

Still smiling. We survived.


  1. Oh my! What were you ladies doing tonight? Sorry to miss the action. Glad everyone is okay! :)

  2. Umm...thats why I stayed home...I knew somethin was gonna happen. Julie`s husband would definitely be saying "I told you so". Candles are a dangerous thing. We are also glad to hear that no one got hurt!!
